23rd January
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I love me

I love me time
This is the One
Saturday, 29th January 2011
And you should too. Love yourself that is.

There is always going to one person that is there for you no matter what. They will see you through the hard times and the good times. They will be there when you are feeling down, and when you are elated. They will always listen to you and trust your judgement. They will never judge you and will support you whatever you decide to do. This person will always be there.

I am not talking about your mother, or your father. I do not mean your grandparents or your aunts and uncles. I talk not of your current beau or your first love. I do not speak of your pet dog, or even your pet goldfish.

The person I speak of is you.

Whether you like it or not, in this world the person you can always count on is yourself. And why make life so much harder by hating the only person that truly knows you? This is why I’ve dedicated this week’s blog on how to love yourself.

We all have bad days, hell; even I have days when I find it hard to drag myself out from the safety and warmth of my bed. We all have days where we look at ourselves in the mirror and hate what we see looking back at us, but it is how we deal with these days that counts. No one can stop you from having a bad day, but only you can turn a bad start into an amazing day and here are my tips how.

First and foremost remember to tell yourself that you are beautiful. So you can’t help but notice an outbreak of spots on your face, and your hair will not go the way you want it to. You look in the mirror and you only see the bad points. Next time you are having a negative session in the mirror why not look instead at the things that are beautiful. Yes your hair hasn’t fallen right, but your lips look amazing today. Yes you have a load of spots, but have you seen how much your eyes are shining. Just think of the positives and the negatives will soon seem insignificant.

You have just spent the last week in the library. Hours out of each day has been filled with slogging over old books littered with pencil marks. You have only been eating food produced from a vending machine, but you got all of your work done. This leads to the first of two point I am making here: be proud of what you’ve done. Whether you were working on a mammoth project or you finally pushed yourself into going for that first run, you should look at what you achieved with a satisfied mind. You did well. So if you finally took a step, however small, in the right direction then it’s time to reward yourself. You wanted to have that bath you have desired for weeks, then have one. You wanted a night off to go out, or to read a book, then do it. Make yourself feel good for the positive steps you took and maybe you’ll start taking more, more often.

Maybe most importantly, make time for you. Yes you are in three sports clubs, and you did promise your best friend that shopping trip. And when that’d done you said that you would clean the house and possibly visit your parents. Your week is packed full of thing to do, and they are all for other people. Stop and look at your life and decide what it is that you want to do, and then do it. I’m not suggesting you ditch all your friends and responsibilities, but simple make more time for yourself. If you do this, everything will stop seeming like such a big hassle and you can start to enjoy life again.

Today I was flicking through a few recently tagged photos of myself and I can honestly say I was shocked. I did not recognise the girl in all the shots. She was beautiful, and she was happy, and most of all, she was so much different from the person I remembered I was. Without even knowing it, I’ve transformed into such an amazing person, and I never even took time to notice it before. I’m so glad I did, because now I can truly say ‘I LOVE ME’, inside and out.

You should try it sometime.

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