Aimee Howarth brings you an interview with The Yorker directors on the final day of the advent articles
Aimee Howarth speaks to YUSU's sabbatical officers about their Christmas Day routine for day 17 of the advent calendar
For the final time this term, Vicky Morris updates you on this weeks film news
50 years after the publication of 'James and the Giant Peach', the works of Roald Dahl continue to celebrate success.
Our main aim is to educate all on African Caribbean culture despite age, race, gender and sexuality.
For over 30 years, Black History Month has been celebrated across the UK every October, growing from strength to strength since it was established in the late 1970s. It is seen as a time when the achievements of the black community are celebrated, and hidden histories are uncovered.
Throughout the UK, a number of exhibitions, movies, and lectures take place to highlight the contribution of Black people to society, and recognize the sacrifices endured by the community of the centuries.
During October, BBC1Xtra has been celebrating the black achievements, events, and music icons that have contributed to this history over the last 5 decades.
This year has already marked a special time for black history in the UK, with the 200th Anniversary of the Abolition of Slave Trade Act being commemorated in March, and on an international scale, the Ethiopian Millennium celebrations on 6 September.
Over the coming week, York’s Afro-Caribbean Society (ACS) will be hosting a variety of events celebrating the Black History Month in style.
Michelle Ndebele, ACS Press and Publicity Officer, told The Yorker: “Our main aim is to educate all on African Caribbean culture despite age, race, gender and sexuality. ACS is only 4 years old and has already made history by hosting York's first Black History Week."
We hope that the York students will have learnt something from Black History Week through the debates, the dramas and presentations.
Lionel Owusu-Afriye, ACS Co-President, added: “By the end of the week, we hope that the York students will have learnt something from Black History Week through the debates, the dramas and presentations, tasting the exotic flavours and partying to African and Caribbean music.”
AFRICAN CARIBBEAN FOOD WILL BE SERVED ALL WEEK in Roger Kirk, Vanburgh, Wentworth and Derwent.
A display of traditional African Caribbean attire worn throughout the day.
Including a Black History debate with the Debating Society. Followed by: A guest speaker, Personal presentations, Drama and Dance performances by ACS, Film
Location: V/045
A fashion show displaying the latest trends in African and Caribbean clothing, hair and beauty.
Join ACS and the Debating Society to discuss current issues related to Black History.
Location: V/045
ACS & Platinum host MoTown at Alcuin's B Henrys with Karaoke hour.
Live DJs , Live band (Apply the Brakes) & Performances by ACS, Dance Soc, Capoeria, Samba band & a special guest from London! Music: R&B, Hip Hop, Bashment, Funky House, Drum & Bass, Chart & Cheese.
Location: Vanburgh
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