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The Last House on the Left
Saturday, 4th September 2010
I have a twisted obsession.

It is something that may shock people to know about me, so I keep it mostly secret. My obsession is horror movies. I can watch them all day and all night and never get bored.

Recently though I’ve been very disappointed: they have become monotonous. Nothing good seems to have come out of the genre in the last 20 years. The one-word titles, the heroine, the blood and gore.

All very dull.

But today that changed. Today I watched a horror movie that was so sick, so disgusting and so brilliant it has regained my faith in the horror genre.

When you look at the ‘horror’ genre on Amazon, the top result is Twilight, and this upsets me to my very core. So in respect to the real horror genre, this is my list of the top five most disgusting, most deranged, most sickening horror movies of the noughties.

1. Penance (2009) This movie I believe to be the ultimate horror movie. Filmed in a hand camera style much like ‘Blair Witch Project’ (1999) and more recently ‘Cloverfield’ (2008), it tells the story of a young woman, Amelia Wallace, who in an attempt to earn a bit of extra cash decides to become a stripper. You think you can imagine where this is going, but let me explain. Amelia gets called to a job in which she is set to earn $5000 and having an ill daughter leads her to accept the money. However, the job soon turns into a hostage situation. A twisted man locks Amelia and many other girls up in an abandoned hospital for the criminally insane and thing gets worse. I don’t want to ruin this movie for anyone, as I am strongly advising you to watch it, but there are some disgusting scenes ahead - even I had to look away for a few seconds. I recommend this movie if you want to watch the best horror movie of the last ten years at least. It will have your stomach churning, and may cause sleepless nights: but if you love horror, then you will love this movie.

2. The Last House on the Left (2009) Now this movie was one I wasn’t ever really interested in watching. I was going through a horror movie binge at the time and had run out of other films, so on this one went. The name was a letdown: it didn’t draw me in or make me want to watch it but I am very glad I did. It starts quite like any other horror movie but there are certain things in this one that makes it stand out above the rest. After a slow start the movie picks up, but I will warn you now, this is not for the faint hearted. A very graphic, very heart-wrenching rape scene occurs in this film, which, even I have to admit, shocked me greatly. The revengeful ending of this movie is also very different to any other: we see a married couple, the parents of the rape victim, put the torturers through hell. Cue a few graphic death scenes. More of a psyche-thriller than anything else – but very well done.

3. The Strangers (2008) Which movie came third was a very difficult decision, but ‘The Strangers’ is the one that stands out most in my mind. It reads like a boring excuse for a horror movie: a couple goes away to stay in a secluded house, some people come round and terrorise them for a little while, blah blah blah. But I beg you to give this movie a chance. The horror aspect of this movie is greatly based in the beginning very subtly, which builds the tension like a dream – or nightmare. Once your nerves are flared, and you feel like your emotions cannot take anymore, the film finally gives you some peace of mind with a bit of knife action. Nothing too graphic, but by this point you will have not been breathing for about 20 minutes. It is the understated horror which makes this film number three, and I highly recommend watching it.

4. Hostel (2005) Taking a step back a few years now, and we come to a brilliant film: ‘Hostel’. The story loosely follows three guys backpacking through Europe in search of sex, drugs and fun times. The horror aspect doesn’t really play into the first part of the movie and much unlike the others; Hostel is really not a psyche-thriller. The reason I love this movie is because it shocked me. I’d never seen anything like it before and I really enjoyed watching it. Prepare yourself for one of the most cringe-worthy scenes ever: I don’t want to spoil it, but after you watch this you will protect your ankles with all you can from now on.

5. REC (2007) This is a very difficult decision because there were quite a few movies I still praise above others. But ‘REC’ is the one I have chosen as my #5. You may not have heard of ‘REC’, but you may have heard of ‘Quarantine’ (2008). These movies are the same, however with different casts and ‘REC’ is filmed in Spanish. Do not let this put you off though, even if reading subtitles may not be your idea of a great movie. I do advise you to watch ‘REC’ rather than ‘Quarantine’. I would call this more of a psyche- thriller again, filmed in a similar hand-cam way to ‘Penance’; there is nothing too graphic in it, but it follows the story of an infected block of flats. The members of the flats slowly all succumb to the infection and become, well, not very friendly people. Although it doesn’t sound amazing, it makes for a good watch, and if you can’t stand the sight of too much gore then this makes for a good one for you.

So there it is my top five. But this list is not exclusive; there aren’t only five horror movies I recommend you watch: there are many others. For more horror fixes that might be up your street check out: ‘Teeth’ (2008), ‘Eden Lake’ (2008), ‘Summer’s Moon’ (2009), ‘Paranormal Activity’ (2007) and of course, ‘28 Days Later’ (2002).

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