23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

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The dating game 2012

Wednesday, 18th January 2012

As we enter a new year, Laura Reynolds looks at how the dating game differs from previous generations.

Christmas stocking

A single Christmas

Wednesday, 21st December 2011

Laura Reynolds looks at the freedoms of festive singledom

Gingerbread House

The Advent Calendar: Day 6

Tuesday, 6th December 2011

Join Jason Rose for a peek behind today's door.

Generic Christmas tree

Going the distance

Wednesday, 30th November 2011

Lauren Tabbron writes about the difficulties of spending Christmas away from a loved one.

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Flatmate vs. bedmate

Do not disturb sign
A common sight in your house?
Wednesday, 30th November 2011
It seems that boyfriends and girlfriends of flatmates and close friends are something of a marmite issue-you either love them or you hate them. If you love them, then that’s great for all involved, and if you get on so well that they become part of your social group, then so much the better (until the semi-inevitable split, at least). However, it seems that the latter option is quite common among student houses and social groups, with harmonious living situations and friendships being jeopardized for the sake of a relationship.

It’s when you don’t get on so well with a close friends’ significant other that problems arise, be it that they are spending too much time together, or that you can see your friend heading for a painful situation but are helpless to stop them. If you think your friend is spending too much time with a new partner, it’s hard to know when to step in. After all, it’s only to be expected in the honeymoon period, when they will want to spend every waking moment together. But when should this stop? 2 weeks into the relationship? 2 months? When they can no longer remember your name on the odd occasion that you pass in the kitchen?

If you feel there’s a problem, it’s best to address it sooner rather than later. Make it clear that you are happy for them and their new found love (remember, lying through gritted teeth and a sickly sweet smile IS an option here.) Stay calm- if you end up arguing, your friend is more likely to go running to their other half, further distancing themselves from you.

Set aside one day a week where you spend time together, without other halves around. For example, if you both have Tuesday afternoons or evenings free, agree to do something together at this time every week, no exceptions. It doesn’t have to be something costly or extravagant, maybe just cook dinner together or go for a cheeky tipple together at Courtyard. During this time, phone calls and texts to other halves are banned, and every time their name is mentioned, £1 (or 1p, depending on financial situation) goes in a jar towards next week’s shenanigans.

Most importantly, make an effort with your friend’s other half-they must like them for a reason, and you never know, you might just come to like them too (although then of course, there’s the issue of coming to like a friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend a little too much, but that’s a whole other article for a whole other year).

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