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The Guy's Guide to Girls: 5 things that all girls appreciate

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Impress her in the kitchen
Thursday, 27th October 2011
Written by Richard D'Souza

In my opinion, the best girlfriend is the one who tries the hardest and cares the most. I'm not the type who's ever had a serious relationship, but I know enough girls to know what to look for when I do find someone. In the mean time, all I can concentrate on is becoming the kind of guy who they, in turn can appreciate as well. This is a list of fine things that I've found will work wonders with the people you care about, simply because they show that to you they do, in fact, matter.

Give flowers.

Men in this day and age hardly ever give flowers, unless on a day of specific important such as an anniversary or birthday. Instead, try a more random approach - "it's Tuesday, have a flower". Flowers are always appreciated, whether it be a bunch of daisies or a single red rose. My personal favourite is the latter, since it is a classic symbol of passion and romance, two things that never go out of fashion.

Be a gentleman.

As someone who was raised to open doors and pull out chairs for the opposite sex without really thinking about it, I can honestly say that nothing goes further. A lot of modern men will not really think about these little things, but they make all the difference. The girl will be touched by your consideration of her and will regard you as 'one of the good ones', which is something to be valued.

Cook her dinner.

It's really nice when someone cooks a meal for you. It's also a brilliant way to show off your creativity and flair in the kitchen, as well as a great opportunity to have a few laughs together. If she wants to get involved with some cutting and stirring, you'll both feel more connected as you work together to make something special.

Dress well.

If you know what looks good on you and what you can pull off, wear it. A girl will regard the way you dress as quite important - the way you choose to look says something about you, and if she's chosen to date you, you're representing her as well. Put your best foot forward, and always take a bit of extra pride in your appearance. It goes a long way.

Kiss her.

Often men will look at kissing as a sort of prelude to sex, and skate over it without much though. Wrong move. Ever seen the movie Hitch? In the opening scene we are told that eight out of ten women believe that the first kiss will tell them everything they need to know about the relationship. This may not be strictly true, but in my personal experience a good kiss is the open door through which wonderful things happen. Of course, a good kiss depends on the timing and chemistry between you and your girl (I remember when I was eleven and my only advice was, halfway through a game of Spin the Bottle, "just put your tongue in and slosh it around for a while!") - but if you approach it as a form of communication between the two of you, it will undoubtedly get you where you wanted anyway. It's a means to show her everything you can't tell her with your words.

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#1 Gillian Love
Thu, 27th Oct 2011 11:15am

"Often men will look at kissing as a sort of prelude to sex, and skate over it without much though. Wrong move. Ever seen the movie Hitch?"

Have you ever considered writing for the satire section?

#2 Michael Tansini
Thu, 27th Oct 2011 11:36am

"Just put your tongue in and slosh it around for a while"

Oh my.

#3 Anonymous
Thu, 27th Oct 2011 12:48pm

So basically show girls some common decency and don't act like a bad-mannered slob or a randy caveman?

#4 Gillian Love
Thu, 27th Oct 2011 7:42pm

I've just realised, judging by these criteria, I am the perfect man. Ladies, line up.

#5 Robin Ganderton
Thu, 27th Oct 2011 8:05pm

"Often men will look at kissing as a sort of prelude to sex, and skate over it without much though [sic]."

This is where I go wrong, every time, on the dancefloor.

#6 Cat Bennett
Fri, 28th Oct 2011 1:41am

Why do these articles always get so much stick? Yes, this one is a little obvious. Without wishing to generalise, a lot of women WILL appreciate these 5 things. Which is exactly what the title sets out to do. So... what's the problem, exactly? Get off your bloody high horses and give the guy a break.

#7 Anonymous
Fri, 28th Oct 2011 1:04pm

@ Cat Bennett

Not really a specific criticism of the author, but articles like this always seem to boil down to common sense and stuff the writer has seen in films, so it's nothing original and can seem a tad patronising. Maybe if it was prefaced by something like 'We often forget the obvious things, but taken together these can make a difference' it would make things clearer and diffuse some criticism.

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