23rd January
latest news: Anna's sweet and sticky pork buns

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The dating game 2012

Wednesday, 18th January 2012

As we enter a new year, Laura Reynolds looks at how the dating game differs from previous generations.

Christmas stocking

A single Christmas

Wednesday, 21st December 2011

Laura Reynolds looks at the freedoms of festive singledom

Gingerbread House

The Advent Calendar: Day 6

Tuesday, 6th December 2011

Join Jason Rose for a peek behind today's door.

Generic Christmas tree

Going the distance

Wednesday, 30th November 2011

Lauren Tabbron writes about the difficulties of spending Christmas away from a loved one.

More Lifestyle Articles

Do not disturb sign
Ashley Cole
Date in a field
Sandy and Danny
Long-distance relationship
The Break Up
Long distance relationships

Wanted: Mr Big

50ft woman
At least you're not 50ft...
Wednesday, 10th November 2010
Have you never left Ziggy’s with the same guy? Worried that your lab partner doesn’t just want to borrow your test tubes? Do you watch too much Jeremy Kyle? Sensible Contessa and straight-talking Vanessa are The Yorker’s newest Agony Aunts and here to help. While they can’t offer a paternity or lie detector test, they can offer advice, compassionate nodding and the occasional Kyle-esque outburst. If you have a sex & relationships problem, contact agony-aunt-contessa@hotmail.com, and we’ll give you your solution. Probably. Or just make it worse.

Wanted: Mr Big

Hey Contessa and Vanessa,

I'm 6'1 and flat footed so as you can imagine, finding a guy taller than me is quite difficult, and finding a guy who likes a tall girl is even more difficult. However, I was set up with a friend of a friend, we got talking on Facebook and we really clicked. He suggested we met up so I warned him that I was tall but his response was he loves tall girls – perfect! On the date I realised just how short he was. He'd never told me his height before when I asked - he always said he's never measured himself and used other excuses. I stood next to him and felt so awkward! He must have been 5'6 so I was a good 7 inches taller. When we were sitting down, the conversation flowed brilliantly and we really got on, but as soon as we were walking side by side, the reality was I couldn't handle the height difference! We kept getting looks from people too, which was a bit embarrassing. Is this something I'm going to have to face or shall I move on?

Thanks, Helen, York.

  • Hey Helen,

I really understand the height issue myself. The sad thing is, if you had been the short one and he had been 6'1, everybody would have just accepted that, but according to society, girls can't be taller than the man they date! However, society also believe skinny is better and younger is better and if everyone followed the rules of society, we would live in a very dull and plastic world, which is quite frankly unattainable. So, if you want to date a guy who happens to be shorter than you, then go for it! If everything else is there, then really you shouldn't worry. Maybe you should ask yourself, would you prefer a man who was absolutely lovely in every way but he was short, or a tall guy, who wasn't so nice? Height only comes into it at the beginning of a relationship, much like appearance, but once you've been on a few more dates with this guy, you'll probably see beyond it.

Contessa, X

  • Oh Helen,

Stop being shallow and making this guy out to be a dwarf, 5,6 is a very reasonable height. The world of celebrity is awash with vertically challenged men, Tom Cruise and Jamie Cullum spring to mind. Do you think their wives/girlfriends complain about their height? No, they put on some flat shoes, crouch a bit and get on with spending their money. Avoid holding hands with your short beau as much as possible – you don’t want people thinking you’re picking up your child from school. If you are dead set on finding someone as abnormally statuesque as yourself, try the University’s basketball team, or the well-bred fellows of James College. Just remember, you know what they say about men with big feet…big shoes.

Vanessa, X

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